Friday, May 16, 2008

oh...........and did I mention I was alarmingly hungover :(

Leaving Las Limerick

So it's finally happened. The day I thought could never come too soon...
I officially move out of home for what's likely to be the last time in a little under 18 hours.

I'm terrified, even more than last week....
Galway seemed much closer by comparison even if it is just a little more unfriendly.

Thankfully, I have some great people to look after me! John, I have no idea what I'd be doing right now if it wasn't for him. Claire is a definite friendly face that I'll need to see regularly to keep me from going insane. Steve, my partner in crime and in returning to education, also my personal guide to the world of politics and an amazing friend. Dave will be my link to Limerick and keep me entertained at the same time. And Séan, well he can bring a smile to my face when I really need it. And my mom, who's really just an uber-legend!

Thanks to all these guys, because at the moment....I'd be a wreck without them.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Monday, May 12, 2008


So I've moved to dublin. Not completely but the process has started. I have an apartment with lovely housemates, I have a job with grand wages, I have my fees for college safely in the bank, I have my friends closeby at last.... so why do I feel so uneasy and almost on the point of tears?

I think I could be in limbo, that inbetween phase where I'm not sure if I'm doing the right thing or if the outcome really does justify the amount of change I've brought upon myself.

Not only is my working life in Limbo....I think other aspects of my life are somewhat up in the air too.

As you know from previous posts, I have been seeing someone for over a month now. I'm terribly fond of him. We have something that is more than friendship and I'm at my happiest around him. But when I'm on my own I find myself lost in thoughts of what if's and questioning if its the right thing. 

I think we have differing views on relationships. Even though I know, well I think...that we both feel very strongly for one another. There is a reluctance, possibly on both our parts to commit any further than we have already. I don't think either of us want to set ourselves up for a fall.

But its fall I doubt would come....not for a long time at least.

Saturday, May 3, 2008

On the Road Again....


*takes bow*

thank you, thank you, you're all beautiful....

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Heel indeed...

ok, its clearly  viral marketing for something or money's on Taco Bell or a new kids movie. BUT, its pretty feckin hilarious all the same!
